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<!DOCTYPE X3D PUBLIC "ISO//Web3D//DTD X3D 3.3//EN" "https://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.3.dtd">
<X3D profile='Immersive' version='3.3'
<WorldInfo title='PixelTextureSnowman.x3d'/>
<Background skyColor='1 1 1'/>
<Viewpoint description='PixelTexture Snowman' orientation='1 0 0 -0.17985' position='0 2 11'/>
<Sound location='0 1.6 0' maxBack='50' maxFront='50' minBack='5' minFront='5' priority='1'>
<Transform translation='0 -2.5 2'>
<Anchor DEF='WikipediaAnchorLink' description='Wikipedia Snowman entry' parameter='"target=_blank"'
"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowman" '>
<Text string='"Click here to learn more" "about snowmen"'>
<FontStyle justify='"MIDDLE" "MIDDLE"' size='0.6'/>
<Material DEF='Autumn11' ambientIntensity='0.25641' diffuseColor='1 0.160784 0.764706' shininess='1' specularColor='0.48655 0.319155 0.444036'/>
<!-- Add transparent geometry over the text to make clicking (i.e. Anchor selection) easier -->
<Box size='6 1.5 0.02'/>
<Material transparency='1'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for SnowmanRoot node:
[from TwistInterpolator.value_changed to rotation
<Transform DEF='SnowmanRoot'>
<!-- ROUTE information for TwistInterpolator node:
[from Clock.fraction_changed to set_fraction
[from value_changed to SnowmanRoot.rotation
<OrientationInterpolator DEF='TwistInterpolator' key='0 0.22 0.25 0.5 0.73 0.75 1' keyValue='0 1 0 0 0 1 0 5.75959 0 1 0 5.75959 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.5236 0 1 0 0.5236 0 1 0 0'/>
<!-- ROUTE information for Clock node:
[from fraction_changed to TwistInterpolator.set_fraction
<TimeSensor DEF='Clock' cycleInterval='6' loop='true'/>
<ROUTE fromNode='TwistInterpolator' fromField='value_changed' toNode='SnowmanRoot' toField='rotation'/>
<ROUTE fromNode='Clock' fromField='fraction_changed' toNode='TwistInterpolator' toField='set_fraction'/>
<!-- Hat -->
<Transform translation='0 3.6 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='0.003922 0.003922 0.003922'/>
<Cylinder height='1' radius='0.5'/>
<Transform translation='0 3.2 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='0.003922 0.003922 0.003922'/>
<Cylinder height='0.2'/>
<!-- Head -->
<Transform translation='0 2.6 0'>
<PixelTexture DEF='PixelColors' image='2 4 3 0xff0000 0xffff00 0x007700 0xff0077 0x0000ff 0xff7700 0x00ff77 0x888888' repeatS='false' repeatT='false'/>
<Sphere radius='.75'/>
<!-- Eyes -->
<Transform translation='0.3 2.7 .55'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 0'/>
<Sphere radius='.18'/>
<Transform translation='-0.3 2.7 .55'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 0'/>
<Sphere radius='.18'/>
<!-- Nose -->
<Transform rotation='1 0 0 1.57' translation='0 2.5 0.55'>
<Material diffuseColor='0.901961 0.403922 0' emissiveColor='1 0.145098 0.058824' specularColor='1 0.454902 0.360784'/>
<Cone bottomRadius='0.3' height='1.75'/>
<!-- Scarf -->
<Transform translation='0 1.975 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Cylinder height='0.175' radius='0.8'/>
<Transform translation='.7 1.1 .8'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='.725 1.2 .85'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='.7 1.3 .8'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='.7 1.4 .75'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='.7 1.5 .75'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='.7 1.6 .7'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='.7 1.7 .65'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='.6 1.8 .65'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='.55 1.9 .65'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='.55 2 .65'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<!-- Backside of scarf -->
<Transform translation='-.7 1.1 -.8'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='-.725 1.2 -.85'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='-.7 1.3 -.8'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='-.7 1.4 -.75'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='-.7 1.5 -.75'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='-.7 1.6 -.7'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='-.7 1.7 -.65'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='-.6 1.8 -.65'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='-.55 1.9 -.65'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='-.55 2 -.65'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<!-- Mouth -->
<!-- Middle Mouthpiece -->
<Transform translation='0 2.2 .55'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 0'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='0.1 2.2 .55'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 0'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='0.2 2.2 .55'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 0'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='-0.1 2.2 .55'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 0'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='-0.2 2.2 .55'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 0'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<!-- Pipe -->
<Transform rotation='0.96225 0.19245 -0.19245 1.57' translation='0.1 2.2 0.55'>
<Material diffuseColor='0.219608 0.137255 0'/>
<Cylinder radius='0.03'/>
<Transform translation='.45 2.3 1.5'>
<Material diffuseColor='0.219608 0.137255 0'/>
<Cylinder height='.2' radius='.1'/>
<!-- Body -->
<Transform translation='0 1.15 0'>
<Sphere radius='1.1'/>
<!-- Arms -->
<Transform rotation='0 0 1 1.57' translation='0 1.5 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='.5 .25 .05'/>
<Cylinder height='4.9' radius='0.1'/>
<Transform rotation='0 0.92848 0.37139 1.57' translation='2 1.5 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='.5 .25 .05'/>
<Cylinder height='.9' radius='0.05'/>
<Transform rotation='0.84515 -0.50709 0.16903 1.57' translation='1.5 1.5 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='.5 .25 .05'/>
<Cylinder height='.7' radius='0.03'/>
<Transform rotation='0 0.64018 0.76822 1.57' translation='-1 1.5 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='.5 .25 .05'/>
<Cylinder height='1' radius='0.05'/>
<Transform rotation='0 0.70711 -0.70711 1' translation='-1.9 1.5 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='.5 .25 .05'/>
<Cylinder height='.5' radius='0.04'/>
<!-- Left Glove -->
<Transform rotation='0 0 1 1.57' translation='2.45 1.5 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Box size='0.5 0.5 0.25'/>
<Transform rotation='0.95285 0 0.30345 1.57' translation='2.75 1.5 0.05'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Cylinder height='.25' radius='0.25'/>
<Transform rotation='0.96352 0 0.26764 1.57' translation='2.55 1.85 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Cylinder height='.15' radius='0.15'/>
<!-- Right Glove -->
<Transform rotation='0 0 1 1.57' translation='-2.45 1.5 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Box size='0.5 0.5 0.25'/>
<Transform rotation='-0.95285 0 0.30345 1.57' translation='-2.75 1.5 0.05'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Cylinder height='.25' radius='0.25'/>
<Transform rotation='-0.96352 0 0.26764 1.57' translation='-2.55 1.85 0'>
<Material diffuseColor='1 0.039216 0.243137'/>
<Cylinder height='.15' radius='0.15'/>
<!-- Buttons -->
<Transform translation='0 1.7 .95'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 0'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='0 1.25 1.05'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 0'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<Transform translation='0 .8 1.05'>
<Material diffuseColor='0 0 0'/>
<Sphere radius='.1'/>
<!-- Lower Body -->
<Transform translation='0 -1 0'>
<Sphere radius='1.75'/>
Color key:
DEF='idName' field='value'/>
DEF='idName' attribute='value'/>
(Light blue background: behavior node) (Grey background: inserted documentation) (Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)
For additional help information about X3D scenes, please see X3D Tooltips, X3D Resources and X3D Scene Authoring Hints.