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<meta name='titlecontent='PixelTextureBW.x3d'/>
<meta name='descriptioncontent='Illustration of a checkerboard pattern using the PixelTexture node.'/>
<meta name='creatorcontent='Leonard Daly and Don Brutzman'/>
<meta name='createdcontent='2 February 2006'/>
<meta name='translatedcontent='2 February 2006'/>
<meta name='modifiedcontent='20 October 2019'/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' https://X3dGraphics.com '/>
<meta name='referencecontent=' https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/X3dResources.html '/>
<meta name='rightscontent='Copyright (c) 2006, Daly Realism and Don Brutzman'/>
<meta name='subjectcontent=' X3D book, X3D graphics, X3D-Edit, http://www.x3dGraphics.com '/>
<meta name='identifiercontent=' https://X3dGraphics.com/examples/X3dForWebAuthors/Chapter05AppearanceMaterialTextures/PixelTextureBW.x3d '/>
<meta name='generatorcontent='X3D-Edit 3.3, https://savage.nps.edu/X3D-Edit'/>
<meta name='licensecontent=' ../license.html'/>

Index for Viewpoint image : Viewpoint_1
<WorldInfo title='PixelTextureBW.x3d'/>
<Background skyColor='1 1 1'/>
<Viewpoint description='PixelTexture checkerboardposition='0 0 5.44'/>
<PixelTexture image='8 8 1 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xcc 0x00 0xccrepeatS='falserepeatT='false'/>
<Box size='4 4 .1'/>

Index for Viewpoint image : Viewpoint_1

<!-- Color key: <X3dNode field='value'/> matches <XmlElement attribute='value'/>
(Light blue background: behavior node) (Grey background: inserted documentation) (Magenta background: X3D Extensibility)

<!-- For additional help information about X3D scenes, please see X3D Tooltips, X3D Resources and X3D Scene Authoring Hints. -->