<Group DEF='AlternativeLight1'>
<!-- Spotlights from windows (left side) -->
<SpotLight ambientIntensity='0.2' color='0.4 0.4 0.4' cutOffAngle='1' direction='20 1 -40' intensity='0.2' location='-6 1 -35'/>
<SpotLight ambientIntensity='0.2' color='0.4 0.4 0.4' cutOffAngle='1' direction='20 1 -30' intensity='0.2' location='1.7 1 -25.4'/>
<SpotLight ambientIntensity='0.2' color='0.7 0.7 0.7' cutOffAngle='1' direction='20 1 -20' intensity='0.4' location='1.7 1 -17'/>
<Group DEF='AlternativeLight2'>
<!-- DirectionalLights. They don't seem to work when child of a group node -->
<DirectionalLight color='0.4 0.4 0.4' direction='-20 1 0'/>
<DirectionalLight color='0.4 0.4 0.4' direction='20 1 0'/>
<DirectionalLight color='0.4 0.4 0.4' direction='0 1 20'/>
<DirectionalLight color='0.4 0.4 0.4' direction='0 1 -60'/>
<Group DEF='AlternativeLight3'>
<!-- Spotlights from windows (left side). It simulates a "First morning beam"
<DirectionalLight color='0.5 0.5 0.5' direction='20 1 30' intensity='0.5'/>
<DirectionalLight color='0.5 0.5 0.5' direction='-20 1 30' intensity='0.5'/>
<SpotLight ambientIntensity='0.4' beamWidth='1.5' cutOffAngle='1' direction='20 1 -50' location='-6 1 -35' radius='10'/>
<SpotLight ambientIntensity='0.4' beamWidth='1.5' cutOffAngle='1' direction='20 1 -40' location='1.7 1 -25.4' radius='10'/>
<SpotLight ambientIntensity='0.4' beamWidth='1.5' cutOffAngle='1' direction='20 1 -57' location='1.7 1 -17' radius='10'/>
<Group DEF='AlternativeLight4'>
<!-- Spotlights from windows (left side). It simulates a "Morning Light"
<DirectionalLight color='0.6 0.6 0.6' direction='20 1 -30' intensity='0.6'/>
<DirectionalLight color='0.6 0.6 0.6' direction='-20 1 -30' intensity='0.6'/>
<SpotLight ambientIntensity='0.2' color='0.4 0.4 0.4' cutOffAngle='1' direction='20 1 -40' intensity='0.6' location='-6 1 -35' radius='10'/>
<SpotLight ambientIntensity='0.2' color='0.4 0.4 0.4' cutOffAngle='1' direction='20 1 -30' intensity='0.6' location='1.7 1 -25.4' radius='10'/>
<SpotLight ambientIntensity='0.2' beamWidth='1' color='0.6 0.6 0.6' cutOffAngle='1' direction='20 1 -20' intensity='0.6' location='1.7 1 -17' radius='10'/>
<Group DEF='AlternativeLight5'>
<!-- PointLights from chandeliers, simulating artificial light -->
<PointLight DEF='Point1' color='0.8 0.8 0.8' intensity='0.8' location='5.8 2.4 -11.5' radius='12.5'/>
<PointLight DEF='Point2' color='0.8 0.8 0.8' intensity='0.8' location='5.8 2.4 -23' radius='12.5'/>
<PointLight DEF='Point3' color='0.8 0.8 0.8' intensity='0.8' location='-1.4 2.4 -34.5' radius='12.5'/>
<PointLight DEF='Point4' color='0.8 0.8 0.8' intensity='0.8' location='13 2.4 -34.5' radius='12.5'/>
<PointLight DEF='Point5' color='0.8 0.8 0.8' intensity='0.8' location='5.8 2.4 -34.5' radius='12.5'/>
<PointLight DEF='Point6' color='0.8 0.8 0.8' intensity='0.8' location='5.8 1 -1' radius='12.5'/>
<PointLight DEF='Point7' color='0.8 0.8 0.8' intensity='0.8' location='5.8 1 -5' radius='12.5'/>
<Group DEF='AlternativeLight6'>
<!-- PointLights from chandeliers, simulating artificial light. Tested with HeadLight ON -->
<PointLight DEF='Point1a' color='0.5 0.5 0.5' intensity='0.5' location='5.8 2.4 -11.5' radius='8'/>
<PointLight DEF='Point2a' color='0.5 0.5 0.5' intensity='0.5' location='5.8 2.4 -23' radius='8'/>
<PointLight DEF='Point3a' color='0.5 0.5 0.5' intensity='0.5' location='-1.4 2.4 -34.5' radius='8'/>
<PointLight DEF='Point4a' color='0.5 0.5 0.5' intensity='0.5' location='13 2.4 -34.5' radius='8'/>
<PointLight DEF='Point5a' color='0.5 0.5 0.5' intensity='0.5' location='5.8 2.4 -34.5' radius='8'/>
<PointLight DEF='Point6a' color='0.5 0.5 0.5' intensity='0.5' location='5.8 1 -1' radius='8'/>
<PointLight DEF='Point7a' color='0.5 0.5 0.5' intensity='0.5' location='5.8 1 -5' radius='8'/>
<Group DEF='AlternativeLight7'>
<!-- PointLights from windows (left side). Simulating sunlight -->
<PointLight intensity='0.5' location='-6 1 -35'/>
<PointLight color='0.1 0.1 0.1' intensity='0.05' location='1.7 1 -25.4' radius='10'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.4' color='0.5 0.5 0.5' intensity='0.7' location='1.7 1 -17' radius='10'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.4' color='0.5 0.5 0.5' intensity='0.8' location='1.7 1 -7.5' radius='10'/>
<Group DEF='AlternativeLight8'>
<!-- PointLights from windows (left side). Simulating sunlight. Changing Radius Changes the "Intensity"
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.2' color='0.4 0.4 0.4' intensity='0.2' location='-6 1 -35' radius='30'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.2' color='0.4 0.4 0.4' intensity='0.2' location='1.7 1 -25.4' radius='30'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.4' color='0.7 0.7 0.7' intensity='0.4' location='1.7 1 -17' radius='30'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.4' color='0.7 0.7 0.7' intensity='0.4' location='1.7 1 -7.5' radius='30'/>
<Group DEF='AlternativeLight9'>
<!-- PointLights from windows (both sides, six windows). Good inside navigation. -->
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.6' color='0.5 0.5 0.5' intensity='0.6' location='1.7 1 -25.4' radius='30'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.3' color='0.7 0.7 0.7' intensity='0.3' location='1.7 1 -17' radius='10'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.01' color='0.4 0.4 0.4' intensity='0.01' location='1.7 1 -7.5' radius='5'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.6' color='0.5 0.5 0.5' intensity='0.6' location='9 1 -25.4' radius='30'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.3' color='0.7 0.7 0.7' intensity='0.3' location='9 1 -17' radius='10'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.01' color='0.1 0.1 0.1' intensity='0.01' location='9 1 -7.5' radius='5'/>
<Group DEF='AlternativeLight10'>
<!-- PointLights from windows (left side). Good inside navigation, but the light is too uniform on one side -->
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.2' color='0.4 0.4 0.4' intensity='0.2' location='-6 1 -35'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.2' color='0.4 0.4 0.4' intensity='0.2' location='1.7 1 -25.4'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.4' color='0.7 0.7 0.7' intensity='0.4' location='1.7 1 -17'/>
<PointLight ambientIntensity='0.4' color='0.7 0.7 0.7' intensity='0.4' location='1.7 1 -7.5'/>